2008.10.24. 18:15
Pr sz Mikey kpregnyrl
"The story follows the Scarecrow as Ichabod Crane and Batman as the Headless Horseman. I took the character of Jonathan Crane and put him in Tarrytown, New York, in the 1700s," he explained. As for why he chose Batman? "They gave me the option to write a story about any character in the DC Universe, and I was like, 'Well, I'm gonna do Batman. I've got to do Batman.'"
A trtnet a Headless Horsemanknt Ichabod Crane-knt s Batmanknt kveti a Scarecrow-t. Vettem Jonathan Crane karaktert s Tarrytownba bele tettem t, New York-ban az 1700-as vekben jtszdott. Ami azt illeti, hogy mirt vlasztottam Batmant? Nekem adtk az opcit hogy rjak meg egy trtnetet brmilyen karakterrl, az DC vilgegyetem, s t kedveltem, nos, t vlasztottam, Batmant s sikerlt megcsinlni.
Itt van az egsz angolul.. n azt a rszt fordtottam le amit Mikey mondott.
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